Thursday, 27 December 2012

Screaming Travels

How do you handle crying in the carseat? Do you pull over? Is someone in the back seat trying to comfort? Do you just grin and bear it? 

We live in an area that has no transit and nothing is in walking distance. Elizabeth SCREAMED in the carseat. But at that point in my life I just made the choice to not leave the house as much. Also, it was summer so we were out and about. But now we need to get out. Elizabeth has activities that we have committed to. Walter is the same. Violently screaming. It was such an awful experience on Monday that I have vowed not to travel by myself with him (he seems to do a bit better when someone sits in the back with him. Also it feels better to me..kind of a "crying in arms" idea). I find myself stuck in the city with a 15-20 minute (praying no traffic hold up) drive ahead of me, with a screaming baby. George jokes we have PTSD from our experience with Elizabeth...I think there is a bit of truth to it.

Anyway, I don't know what I'm looking for. Advice? Secret Mommy tricks? A "there there"? I personally can't handle the crying. I pull over to a safe area and get into the back and take him out and calm him down. I did the same with Elizabeth. Otherwise I am this anxious mess that is probably a hazard to others. It's like a siren to all my senses -- GET TO YOUR BABY, SOOTHE YOUR BABY, GOOD GOD WOMAN MAKE IT STOP.

So yes. What do YOU do?

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