It was one of those gorgeous Alberta Winter days -- sunshine, blinding white and bright blue sky. George and I bundled up the kids - Walt in the carrier with G and Ellie in the sled pulled by me - and we took Ellie skating for the first time on the rink down the road. We were given a pair of skates for Ellie last year. Little white and pink Bauer's that I figured she wouldn't fit into for at least another few years. It's as if I blink and she grows up a bit more.
So we went. I didn't know what to expect, but the sun was shining and I felt a bit of freedom after being cooped up for a few days of a cold snap.
We zoomed around until the sun went down. Around 4pm in this neck of the woods. Afterwards we sat at the picnic bench and enjoyed the hot cocoa we had brought along. Baileys in a travel mug for me and George. (Side note: this kind of behaviour seems acceptable until you remember it is no longer Christmas break.) As we sipped away, George looked at me and said that I was really great with her out there. I know my patience has not been at it's best these days, nor my general attitude about life. These hormones people. They do crazy stuff after having a baby. But I enjoyed myself. It was a new adventure for Elizabeth. And I was there, present and really in the moment.
Lovely moment. Trying not to let me acidic envy of a daughter who can skate spoil my enjoyment of it.